The day wer every body love to play pranks on all those cute and innocent-looking ppl (like me.. ^^)
Today, after the final class of the day, i got dragged into the Cyber-Cafe by Burton, Tasha, Tham, YongHeng n TzeYang...
So realizing that i have gone MIA from my car to the CC, the Gang executed their evil, unholy, demonic, ghastly, satanic, diabolic, heinous, egregious, and atrocious plan (can't think of anymore adjectives) upon my pure sweet angelic white car (AAaawwww~~) YEAH... ME~~
The lala-zai is acting cute again on top of the car ^^
Guess what? The colour of the stick-it-notes actually matches with the colour of my shirt.
LOLZ~~ !!
Was GGed...
Purposely go cover the A
Now, Eisen the brilliant detective shall look into the situation and the ground of crime to try to find evidence and alibi.
Well, itz so obivious that the MASTERMIND that was behind this is certainly the Evil-liny Witch ROXANNA the girl wif a flabby arms...
jz one thing to say about ur "angelic white car"