Tuesday 16 March 2010

Shop 4 Fun

Shopping is fun... It's good and encouraged by many... Why?
Because it's according to "Economic Keynesian Theory". Through shopping, it stimulates the economy by an increase of spending in general economy which in turn stimulates back the production of goods which then returned to the increase of investment, income and job opportunity. Then people get jobs and more income which then they have more money to spend and the cycles goes on and on...

Hahahaha~ Crap... Just wanna find a good excuse but nevertheless, I am supported by the government okie. They were like yelling "Spend!! Spend!! Buy!! Buy!!".

So my tale begins~ As I was surfing around at BullRing Shopping Centre at Birmingham, my attention was caught by this amazing Emporio Armani doggie tag necklace on the display glass of a jewellery store. For a split second, I was starring at it non stop that until JoEe and Tasha have to pull me away and started yelling "Let's go".
After a few tour around Birmingham, we ended back at the BullRing where to my luck, Tasha suddenly felt like 'pangsai-ing' and went to the toilet.
Aahh~ "今ください。。。 僕チャンス~"
(Ima wa kudasai... Boku no chansu~)
So this is the perfect opportunity for me to glare at the shiny necklace again and I just hopelessly fell in LOVE with it... Looking at the price~
(not gonna tell though, ask me on MSN, in case my mum sees this, I'm dead meat)
The urge just came to me spinning in my head saying "Buy it Daniel. Whatcha waiting for?".
Then, JoEe came along and persuaded me "Buy lar buy lar... Faster go in try and then buy". She is EVIL~
After swiping my card and some ££ went away~ I was so HAPPY for the rest of the days...

And finally... A sneak peak of Josephine's birthday present...

Other girls are not encouraged to be jealous of~

Kakakaka... I am EVIl

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